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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Milton Bradley Games Presents:

A new drinking game that's fun for the whole family!

The Rules (per Mariner game):

1. Take a shot for each runner stranded on base after each Mariner at-bat.

2. Take a shot for every catch made by Gutierrez.

3. Take a shot for every ball that flies over Bradley's head.

Here are what fans of this game are saying:

"Guaranteed to get you drunk by the third inning!"

"I take a swig every time Bradley misjudges a ball ANYWAY, now I just have more reason to!"

"Most fun I had watching a Mariner game this year!"

So what are you waiting for, folks? Pick up your copy today! Available wherever games and sh*$ty hitting are sold. Come stop by our Seattle offices today. For our friends in the south, visit our other flagship store at Houston, TX.

*Ages 6 and up. Milton Bradley and Co. are not responsible for any alcohol poisoning, kidney failures, or other ailments. We abide by the motto of our founder and president: "It's their fault for anything bad that happens to them, sure as hell ain't mine. Don't be blaming me."

Seriously though, let's go and beat Brett Anderson & the A's tonight :)

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