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Monday, September 20, 2010

Premier Monday

Well, it's Monday. However, unlike most Mondays, this one is sure to make even Garfield a little less annoyed as it is Fall Season Premier Monday which means all new episodes of my favorite shows are debuting. In other words, it reveals to the world just how much of a couch potato that I am. I'm not too ashamed though. The reason is because just like with music and passions, I strongly believe a similar interest in the same television show(s) is VITAL to a relationship's success. Yes, it may sound corny or even ridiculous but let me posit this hypothetical situation and how it will make you feel:

Imagine you are about to embark on a road trip with your loved one/significant other. Let's say we are about 8-10 months into the relationship so this is the first time where you will be spending a long drive together, just the two of you and the only way to kill off the dead silences in between is by listening to some music. Imagine further that for the entire drive, your partner chooses to listen to the kind of music that you absolutely detest. We are talking about the kind of music that makes you wish you were permanently deaf. Furthermore, every time you try to change the music to something you like, they start complaining and mocking you for liking "that crap" while they are still bobbing their head along to the cacophony of sounds that they consider art.

Surely this will take its toll on you...regardless of how eclectic your taste might be or your tolerance level. We are talking about the one genre you hate the most in the entire world. If you don't hate a particular genre, just imagine the song you hate the most and your partner not only liking the song but playing it *all* the time.

Someone's taste in television shows, to me, works along the same concept. Obviously, I'd love to travel to exotic lands with my partner, attend both formal events and sporting events, cook together, spend time out with mutual friends, and other social gatherings. However, there will be times where all I would want to do is stay at home, cuddle up, and watch our favorite shows/movies or listen to our favorite music. This will certainly be an impossibility if the shows they watch or music they listen to makes me want to vomit (Jersey Shore, anyone?).

Today my coworker was telling me about her sister. I've seen her picture before (she is absolutely stunning by the way) and how her sister just took her phone and decided to sync some of her own songs to my coworker's iPhone. My coworker mentioned this to me because just weeks earlier, I had burned the EXACT SAME SONGS for my coworker! It looks like her sister and I have the exact same taste in music. Moreover, she is excited tonight because it is the season premier of How I Met Your Mother! Wow. How perfect is that? The answer, sadly, is not entirely because there's more that goes into someone than their likes/dislikes. I don't know a single thing about her other than that. She may be amazing, she may be not so much. But one thing is certain, she has a terrific taste in entertainment, and thanks to CBS, perhaps those who have not yet experienced the phenomenon of HIMYM will get to soon :)